1. Overview To Jazz Theory 爵士樂理概覽
2. Knowing The Chord Symbols 認識和弦記號
3. Diatonic Chords In Major And Minor Keys 大小調中的調性和弦
4. Understand II V I Chords 了解 II V I 和弦
5. What Is Mode? 甚麼是調式?
6. Restriction Of Extensions 和弦延伸的限制
7. Special Scales In Jazz
1. Basic Chord Substitution 基礎和弦替代
2. Chord Displacement 和弦移位
4. Extensions Of Dominant 7th
6. Diminished 7th
1. Back Cycling
2. Backdoor Progression
3. Coltrane Chord Change
4. Line Clichés
5. Pedal Point
1. Blues From
2. 32 Bar Song (I): AABA / ABAC
3. 32 Bar Song (II): ABCA / ABCD
4. Other Forms
1. What Is Modal Interchange
2. Diatonic Chords In Different Modes
3. Modal Interchange Technique (I)
4. Modal Interchange Technique (II)
1. What Is Modal Jazz
2. Rules For Modal Harmony
3. Re-harmonize With Modal Harmony (I)
4. Re-harmonize With Modal Harmony (II)
1. What Is Upper Structure And How It Works
2. Upper Structure For Major 7th Chord
3. Upper Structure For Minor 7th Chord
4. Upper Structure For Dominant 7th Chord
5. Upper Structure For Half Diminished 7th Chord
6. Other Upper Structures
1. Using Of Constant Structure
2. Neo-Soul Style Harmony
3. Atonality And Free Jazz