About Us


To unite communities together through music’s spiritual beauty

LIONROCK KEYBOARD is a platform for everyone who loves music and playing piano. We provide you with both live in-person and online courses as well as free resources for self-learning. 

Through well-structured and quality education programs, we strive to educate, develop, and inspire people from all walks of life in achieving their full musical potential. We ensure our students get the highest standard of keyboard education for all styles; from classical and jazz, to pop and rock through our platform. LIONROCK KEYBOARD acts as a stepping-stone for a future in music as well as an inspiration for students through deepening their appreciation for music.

LIONROCK KEYBOARD stems from the HONG KONG KEYBOARD ART CENTRE, which served the music scene and piano education in Hong Kong for more than 12 years. Many of our students became professional musicians or music educators. LIONROCK KEYBOARD brings the same education philosophy and quality to this new and broader platform. 




LIONROCK KEYBOARD 是一所為所有愛好音樂和彈奏鋼琴的人已設的音樂學校。我們不單提供實時的面授課程及網上課程,同時亦提供免費的自學材料。 

透過細心設計及高質素的教育課程,我們力求教導,發展和啟發不同階段的學生,以發揮他們的音樂潛能。我們讓我們的學生享有最優質的訓練,包括各式的音樂,由古典及爵士到流行及搖滾風格。LIONROCK KEYBOARD 透過啟發和深化學生的音樂修養,成為學生成就他們音樂理想的踏腳石。

LIONROCK KEYBOARD 前身是香港鋼琴藝術中心(HONG KONG KEYBOARD ART CENTRE),在香港音樂及鋼琴教育界服務超過 12 年。不少學生今天已成為專業音樂家和從事音樂教育。LIONROCK KEYBOARD 秉承並將同樣的教育理念帶進一個全新及更廣闊的平台。


Bernard Hui

BMus(hon), Prof. Dip, MDiv(hon)

Bernard Hui is an energetic and experienced crossover pianist and music educator with over thirty years of experience under his belt. His deep and wide horizon in performing music of different styles enables him to nurture and inspire students in a unique and rich way. His profound and knowledgeable keyboard technique allows him to incorporate a vivid and practical teaching method that helps his students acquire a deeper appreciation and interpretation of music. They build up a formal and solid performing techniques, achieving their full potential. He is widely recognized as a gifted and warm-hearted educator.

Bernard graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and the Chinese Mission Seminary respectively. He acquired Bachelor of Music (Honors) and Master of Divinity. Studying at HKAPA, he majored in pipe organ performance under  Kin-Yu Wong, Nicholas Danby and Arthur Wills. He also studied piano performance under Ka-kit Tam and Sown-le Choi, and harpsichord under Joyce Lindoff. Additionally, Bernard also received a Professional Diploma in electronic music. Thereafter, he dug deep into keyboard improvisation and studied with the well-known jazz piano master Bob Mocrasky. Over the years, his improvisation skill has gained applauding feedback.
As a performer of gracious artistic spirit, Bernard is active and vibrant on stage. He has given performance over many different places ranging from the Cultural Centre (Hong Kong), City Halls of different districts, and HKAPA. Furthermore, he has performed with different local choirs and orchestras. He was invited by the renowned conductor Wing-sie Yip to be the organ soloist for the inauguration of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra in Guangzhou in 2003. The subsequent year, he was invited to be the organ soloist for the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra’s concert “The Wonderful World of Reeds”. 
With strong enthusiasm and passion, Bernard founded the Aleatory Jazz Ensemble with his fellow jazz artists in 1996. He went on to start up HAZZ Trio, and a fusion jazz band, Quartet SAN, in 2016 as well as a Chinese-jazz band ‘Gwat6 Koeng5’. Bernard has also played with the other bands such as La Petite Jazzy Jam (LPJJ), The Big Band Express, and the R&B/Jazz band M.I.D. He also frequently holds gigs in the most famous jazz music stages in Hong Kong, such as Gecko, Peel Fresco, The Orange Peel, The Backstage, 1563 East, BB Jazz Lounge and The Fringe Club. Moreover, he gives speeches on church music in different churches to uplift the quality of church music in worship.

Bernard Hui是一位活躍的crossover鋼琴家及音樂教育家。擁有三十多年的教學經驗,由於其精於演奏不同類型的音樂,因此特別能以獨特的方法及角度啟發學生的潛質。Bernard對鍵盤音樂及技巧上的豐富知識,配合活潑互動的教學法,有助學生對音樂有更深層次的理解及演譯,同時建立穩固正統演奏的技巧。多年來教授過無數的學生,不少亦已成為音樂家,Bernard對音樂教育的熱誠及才能多被讚賞。

Bernard先後畢業於香港演藝學院及中國宣道神學院,並取得音樂學士(榮譽)學位及道學碩士(榮譽)學位。在學期間曾拜師黃健羭女士學習管風琴演奏,及受教於Nicholas Danby 及 Arthur Wills 門下。同時Bernard亦跟隨譚家傑先生和蔡崇力先生研習鋼琴演奏,而其古鍵琴造詣則師承 Joyce Lindoff 女士。 之後許氏亦師隨麥偉鑄先生進修電子音樂專業文憑。 畢業後更進深鑽研即興鋼琴彈奏教學法,並隨著名的爵士鋼琴大師 Bob Mocrasky 學習爵士鋼琴演奏。多年來Bernard精湛的即興演奏技巧獲得多方的讚賞。
在教學之外,Bernard 亦常活耀於演奏台上。他曾於香港文化中心、各大會堂及香港演藝學院等舉行過多場演奏會,並經常與多個本地合唱團及管弦樂團合作演出。於2003年獲著名指揮家葉詠詩邀請與廣州交響樂團演出,並於2004年於香港中樂團《笙簧世界》音樂會中擔任獨奏。
在近20年多來,Bernard醉心於爵士音樂的演奏。並於1996年創立創藝爵士樂隊 (Aleatory Jazz Ensemble)、HAZZ三重奏、融合爵士樂隊 Quartet SAN及中文爵士樂隊「倔強爵將」。Bernard 同時亦是爵士樂隊 La Petite Jazzy Jam (LPJJ) ,Band Express,The Big Band Express 及 R&B/Jazz 樂隊 M.I.D. 的鋼琴手,並經常獲邀以爵士鋼琴家的身份舉行講座及接受媒體訪問。許氏同時活耀於多個香港著名的爵士樂舞台如 Gecko, Peel Fresco, The Orange Peel, The Backstage, 1563 East, BB Jazz Lounge 及藝穗會等,並經常獲邀於文化中心、各區大會堂及香港演藝學院演出。同時他亦經常應邀到不同的教會舉行司琴及聖樂講座,致力提升教會司琴、風琴司及敬拜隊的質素。 

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